My name is Nicola MacDonald and I am an accredited Mindfulness Coach. I discovered mindfulness via the NHS as a technique to help me cope with stress and anxiety better. At the time I was a first time mum with postpartum anxiety. I was always a bit of a worrier from teenage years upwards which then led to increased levels of anxiety when I joined the working world in London to the point where I often suffered with insomnia and night terrors. I am happy to say that mindfulness has helped me immensely.
How mindfulness helped me
Nowadays I am a far less anxious human being who can handle change better, approaching life with greater resilience, equanimity and calm. It has improved my wellbeing, my relationships, my parenting, my whole outlook on life.
I am such an advocate that I have now made it my goal in life to raise awareness of the life changing, healing power of mindfulness to help others to handle stress, anxiety and low mood better.
Feel free to get in touch at I’d love to hear from you
““Nicola’s passion and belief in mindfulness is contagious. She is very knowledgeable and has a genuine interest in the research behind it….that helps a sceptic like me.”